Who does ABiLiTieS' team exist of?
ABiLiTieS Trust's staff will fully support the company formation and going concern of your Dutch entreprise so you can focus on its business. Our Amsterdam based account managers all have a legal or accounting background and education. ABiLiTieS' staff can oversee complex transactions and assist you with a broad spectrum of (tax) legal and accounting issues.
Owner & founder
Robert Bron
Robert has a broad understanding of Dutch corporate law. He graduated in Dutch law from the University of Utrecht and started his career at the Private Banking department of Rabobank Netherlands. Subsequently he was assigned at three Dutch trust offices and successfully continued as a managing director of a trust company before co-founding ABiLiTieS. Robert has serviced many Russian, Kazakh, American and international clients with corporate legal matters. Robert speaks: Dutch and English.
Direct contact details:
E rbron@abilitiestrust.com T +31 20 7470291 M +31 6 36297799
Soeroedj Baboeram
Soeroedj has obtained a bachelor from the University for Economical Studies in Rotterdam. During his studies he did an internship for Citco Fund Services in Curacao. He started his career with Van Lanschot Bank, a Dutch private bank, as management trainee. He has worked for Van Lanschot Trust, a trust company, as team leader accounting Netherlands. Thereafter he has worked for service providers focused on the former CIS countries. Soeroedj has good communication capacities, great analytical skills and thorough knowledge of accounting. Soeroedj speaks: Dutch and English.
Direct contact details:
E sbaboeram@abilitiestrust.com T +31 20 7470290 M +31 6 24440401